The journey & the evolution of Ethereal starts here.

Picture inside your mind's eye a beach; the waves are washing in upon the warm golden sand, the smell of salt moves past your face and through your hair, the golden sun is beginning to set on the ocean, casting a shimmering and glistening enchantment upon the majestic waves

A kaleidoscope spell of iridescent, rainbow colours beam on the surface of the water, sending you into a trance

As the sun sets and the moon begins to peek through the fluffy clouds of the cotton candy skies, dancing with the dusk, leaving a lunar lit scene.

Your body begins to move to the sound of the waves gently lapping against the shore, creating a magnetic flow aligned with the water.

You become one with the cosmos and this captivating ritual of embodiment awakens your senses and reveals your nature within.

Welcome to the Ethereal Collection…

Taking inspiration from the cosmos and its influences on our world, in this collection I explored the nature of the Earth's oceans and how the moon affects them. Watching the night’s sky and looking at the cosmos, I was inspired by its mysterious and magical qualities, which led me to exploring spells and enchantments, embodying the mystical nature of the cosmos through trances, rituals and dancing with the moon. Feeling magnetised, maybe through the magnetic field of the world, or perhaps through the magnetic pull into the unknown, the cosmos, the mystical, it made me ask, what would happen if we let go, and let ourselves be fully captivated by the power of the unknown?